A companion SYNKD Rhythm Pack containing 600 Rhythm Chains for use in conjunction with the bass drum course by Wojtek Deregowski.

This SYNKD Rhythm Pack is to be used in conjunction with Wotjek Deregowski’s “The Complete Single Bass Drum Workout” course which is available for purchase here.
Please refer to the ebooks provided with his course for all of the correlating exercises. Each folder within the pack is organized by the sections of the course and each SYNKD Rhythm Chain is labeled for quick and easy reference.
Every chain in this pack is comprised of both the accented subdivision and the rhythmic phrase. Please take advantage of both.
The majority of the pack features chains outlining the bass drum patterns with the exception of “The Copycat," which reverses the approach as the chains outline the hand patterns. The goal here is to fill in the rests with your bass drum. Conceptually, this is a simple change of perspective but serves as a fantastic way to internalize a pattern.
To get the most out of this pack, please make use of the following features included in SYNKD:
1. Bar Isolation- Simply tap the small bar(s) that you want to isolate and they will be played back on loop. This is highly recommended when working on either the accented patterns or the rhythmic phrase.
2. Reference Beat- This will give you a constant underlying quarter note pulse. It is highly recommended to use with syncopated patterns.
3. Ghost Bar- This feature allows you to silence bar(s) in a chain double tapping a main bar in a chain you make it more challenging.
All Exercises Organized by Chapter

600+ Rhythm Chains
Change tempo, make modifications, loop sections, and mute individual bars.