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7-Day Pad Routines: Week 4

The exercises in this routine are to be used in conjunction with rhythm chains that can be found in the. Accents & Subdivisions 1 pack available in the SYNKD store.

The purpose of this routine is to develop freedom in filling in around accents in various note rates.

Exercises 1-3 Utilize the Rhythm Chain "Triplet Combo #6"

Exercises 1. Tempo Range: 60-90bpm This exercise deals with triplets and filling in around both accents and their subdivisions using singles.

Exercise 2. Tempo Range: 60-90bpm This exercise deals with triplets and filling in around both accents and their subdivisions using doubles.

Exercise 3. Tempo Range: 60-90bpm This exercise deals with playing sextuplets onto of the rhythm chain and filling in around accents using singles and diddles.

Exercises 4-6 Utilize the Rhythm Chain "Sixteenth Note Accent Drill #3"

Exercise 4. Tempo Range: 50-80bpm This exercise deals sixteenth notes with filling in around both accents and their subdivisions using singles.

Exercise 5. Tempo Range: 50-80bpm This exercise deals sixteenth notes with filling in around both accents and their subdivisions using doubles.

Exercise 6. Tempo Range: 50-80bpm This exercise deals with playing thirty second notes onto of the rhythm chain and filling in around accents using singles and diddles.

Exercises 7-9 Utilize the Rhythm Chain "Quintuplet Combo #6"

Exercise 7. Tempo Range: 40-70bpm This exercise deals with quintuplets and filling in around both accents and their subdivisions using singles.

Exercise 8. Tempo Range: 40-70bpm This exercise deals with quintuplets and filling in around both accents and their subdivisions using doubles.

Exercises 9. Tempo Range: 40-70bpm This exercise deals with playing groups of ten onto of the rhythm chain and filling in around accents using singles and diddles.


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