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Accents & Subdivisions 2

This lesson is a natural extension of our first lesson “Accents and Subdivisions”.

This time we're using thirty-second notes instead of sextuplets alongside the "Thirty-Second Note Accent Drill 1", "Thirty-Second Note Subdivision 1", and "Thirty-Second Note Combo 1" Rhythm Chains within the “Accents and Subdivisions 2” Rhythm Pack.

The same protocol applies to this lesson as to the previous;

First we'll utilize singles and then doubles or diddles. As with everything, experiment with playing these on the kit and try to make them musical.

The accent frame work for these exercises is an embellished 4 over 3 polyrhythm.


1. This first exercise goes between a check pattern of unaccented notes and a bar of accents. Notice how all the accents fall on the leading hand. Make sure to practice leading with both hands.

2. Next up we will use the subdivision of the pattern in bar 2. You can really see the rhythmic shape and how it is all 16th notes.

3. Now let’s combine the previous 2 exercises into a 4 bar pattern. 2 bars of check pattern followed by a bar off accents and then a bar of subdivision.

4. Here’s another 4 bar pattern, but this time it is combining examples 1 and 2 verbatim.


Now we get into the exciting world of diddles. These will force the accents to fall on either hand.

1. As with the singles we are going to combine a bar of flat notes with a bar of accents. This time we are going to use double strokes for our check pattern. Notice the sticking that is used in the 2nd bar. It is a combination of paradiddles and double paradiddles.

2. Here would go between a bar of 32nd note doubles strokes and a bar of the pattern as 16th notes. This is also a great exercise to get fluidity between the 2 note rates.

3. Here is the first 4 bar exercise. Be careful not to rush the 16th notes when coming out of the 3 bars of 32nds.

4. Finally we have a combination of examples 1 and 2, just like we did with singles.

Once you get comfortable with these patterns try taking them to the kit. There are so many real-world uses for this stuff.

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