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Double Paradiddles & Septupadiddles | Cellular Practice Method


If you missed our introductory post for this practice concept, be sure to read through it here. This variation of sequence is based on traditional gridding and is structured as the following: AAAA, BAAA, ABAA , AABA, AAAB, BBAA, ABBA, AABB, BAAB, BBBA, ABBB, BABB, BBAB, BBBB. It’s a good idea to repeat each part of the sequence as needed before moving on to the next. SYNKD’s proprietary ‘Bar Isolation” function comes in handy here.

Double Paradiddles & Septupadiddles Exercise

"Septupa-what?!?" Yeah...we might have made that one up. We also made this exercise that, similar to last week's exercise, shifts between two different subdivisions (6s and 7s). This time we're using a double paradiddle sticking as our "A cell" with an added stroke for the septupadiddle (that name is starting to grow on us!). This one is sure to take you for quite a ride so go slowly and utilize the SYNKD "Bar Isolation" feature to work on trickier measures one or two at a time.

Click the button above via your iOS device to download the SYNKD rhythm chain. If it's your first time downloading and importing files for rhythm chains with SYNKD, follow the instructions from this blog post.

If you experience issues with downloading the .mid file via Google Drive, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen, select "Open In" and then "Save to Files" to choose a destination. We recommend creating a folder for SYNKD rhythm chains.


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